Suzanne Rivoire

Dr. Rivoire’s background is in computer architecture, with a focus on energy-efficient computing in large-scale environments such as datacenters and supercomputers. Her work in this area has included benchmarking, modeling, workload characterization via machine learning, runtime power management techniques, and system architectures for energy efficiency. She has collaborated with researchers at Stanford University, HP Labs, […]

Florin Rusu

Florin’s research interests lie in the area of databases and large scale data management in general, with a particular focus on designing and building infrastructure for Big Data analytics. Specific topics include query processing and optimization, approximate and randomized algorithms, and scalable machine learning. Scientific data processing as another facet of Big Data receives considerable […]

Yao Qin

Dr. Qin is an Assistant Professor at University of California, Santa Barbara. Her research interests primarily focus on robustness in machine learning, such as adversarial robustness, out-of-distribution generalization & detection. In addition, she is highly passionate about developing reliable AI-driven models tailored for healthcare, with a particular focus on diabetes management. She has a prolific […]

Jia Chen

Chen’s research interests are multiview machine learning and signal processing. She has conducted research on tensor-based and canonical correlation analysis-based multiview representation learning and tensor-based disaggregation with two views of data. The proposed work builds directly on Chen’s existing work while substantially pushing the envelope by exploring novel multiview data disaggregation methods.

Kaveh Abhari

Dr. Kaveh Abhari’s research is dedicated to leading the way in humane digital transformation. He zeroes in on responsibly weaving artificial intelligence (AI) into the fabric of our work lives, aiming to shape a brighter future of work. What sets his work apart is his inventive design of intelligent platforms for employee experience management. These […]

Ayush Pandey

Ayush Pandey is interested in research on control theory, computational modeling, and AI for the formal design of large-scale physical systems. Over the past few years, his research has focused on the development of robustness metrics and new inference tools for biological systems. He is also actively extending his research on computational tools to build […]

Shijia Pan

Dr. Shijia Pan is an assistant professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department. Her research interests include ubiquitous computing, Internet-of-Things (IoT), and cyber-physical systems (CPS). She worked in multiple disciplines and focused on ubiquitous sensing systems for accurate ambient information inference. Her research focuses on the acquisition, analysis, and augmentation of ambient information with limited/fewer […]

Meng Tang

Dr. Tang is an assistant professor in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California Merced. He is interested in computer vision problems including 2D/3D visual perception, visual localization, and scene understanding, with a focus on unsupervised learning, weakly-supervised learning, and optimization methods. He was a research scientist in machine learning and perception at Meta […]

Hyeran Jeon

Hyeran Jeon’s main research interests lie in energy-efficient, reliable and secure computer architecture and systems design. Her research lab has been sponsored by National Science Foundation, California Energy Commission, LAM Research, NVIDIA (equipment), and Xilinx. She received NSF CAREER award in 2024. She earned her Ph.D. at the University of Southern California, where she received Viterbi dean’s doctoral fellowship. She has industry experiences as an intern at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and AMD Research, and as a systems software engineer at Samsung […]

Xiaoyi Lu

Dr. Xiaoyi Lu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, Merced (UC Merced), where he leads the Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory (PADSYS Lab). His research interests include parallel and distributed computing, high-performance communication and I/O technologies, big data analytics, cloud computing, deep learning, digital […]