Title: Prof. Dr. Department Chair, California State University, East Bay
Computer Networks Security: Authentication Techniques, PKI, Intrusion Detection and Penetration Techniques.
Cryptology: Fast Software and Hardware Implementation of Cryptologic Algorithms, Hommorphic encryption schemes.
ATM Networks: Modeling Security Mechanisms for ATM Networks.
Wireless Networks: Modeling Novell Security Mechanisms and Authentication techniques for Mobile Environments.
Security in Ad Hoc networks ( Data confidentiality in Ad Hoc networks, Threshold cryptology, Secure routing)
Security in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) (Data confidentiality, application of Homomorphic encryption schemes)
Software Security (Code obfuscation techniques)
Mobile Agents: New Security Models for Mobile Agents in Internet Environment.
E-Commerce: Techniques and standards for E-Commerce and their Security Problems.
Enterprise Security Planning ( Zachman framework, mobile government)
Network and Information Security Management: (Risk Analysis, Vulnerability Analysis, Threat Analysis, Exposure Analysis)
Security in Cloud Computing
Security in VANETs
Cyber Security & Privacy, Cyber War, Cyber Security Policies, International Cyber Security Issues, Hacking Techniques