CAHSI Student Scholars

The CAHSI Student Scholars program was created to recognize students who demonstrate excellence in four core areas: professional development, scholarly achievements, community outreach, and co-curricular activities. CAHSI Scholars exude a commitment to CAHSI’s mission and goals and are poised to become the next generation of leaders in computingThe purpose of the CAHSI Scholar program is to promote the breadth of talent at CAHSI institutions and empower student leaders with platforms to further Hispanic student success. The cohort of CAHSI Scholars will be announced at the Great Minds in STEM (GMiS) Conference.

An undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in a computing program at an institution that is listed as a CAHSI Institution. Applicants must provide evidence that they excel in the following areas: 

  1. ProfessionalDevelopment: This can include participation in workshops or sessions offered by CAHSI, conferences, industry, or organizations.
  2. Scholarly Achievements: Individuals should have a GPA of 3.2 or higher. Individuals who have an overall GPA below this mark and wish to be considered as a CAHSI Scholar should articulate the challenges they have faced academically, and their respective areas of growth in their essay response. Achievements may extend beyond GPA and merit-based awards (e.g., competitions, certifications, recognitions).
  3. Community Outreach: This may include engagement with K-12 students, community projects, study groups, tutoring, and/or mentoring, among other efforts.
  4. Co-curricular Activities: This may be evidenced by student organization activities, undergraduate research experiences, internships/externships, and other related efforts.   

Questions about the CAHSI Scholars Program should be directed to



  1. Complete applications that adhere to formatting requirements will be evaluated by a review panel.  
  2. Individuals who are selected as a CAHSI Student Scholar will be announced during the 2024 GMiS Conference in Fort Worth, TX.

Application Components 

  1. Online Form:  The online form requests such information as name, email address, name of university/college, etc. This form is also the place to upload the résumé and essay. 
  2. Résumé:  Include your initials (not your full name), university name, degree or degrees if applicable, major or program, your (expected) graduation month and year. Briefly list and describe internships completed, jobs held, posters presented, publications, competitions entered, and workshops attended. Include any merit-based awards, competitions entered, certifications obtained, and/or recognitions that you have received during your college/graduate career.  Be sure to specifically identify the CAHSI initiatives that you have been engaged in and level of engagement.  Refer to the CAHSI-Supported Efforts table to view examples of programs/initiatives. If you have obtained any certifications or credentials outside your academic program, briefly describe them.  Avoid using acronyms.
  3. Essay (750 words): Write and submit an essay that describes your past and future efforts, and share your reflections, in any of the areas: professional development, scholarly achievements, community outreach, and co-curricular activities. Follow the formatting and essay guidance found below. Individuals who have an overall GPA below this mark and wish to be considered as a CAHSI Scholar should articulate the challenges they have faced academically, and their respective areas of growth in their essay response.
  4. Letter of Support: Provide the name and contact information of a faculty or staff member who will endorse your application. Please be sure to notify the letter writer of your intent to apply and share the award information, as well as your qualifications. They will receive an automated email to submit the letter of support. 


To format and save your document:   

  1. Use Arial 11-point font for your résumé and essay responses.
  2. Set the margins of your essay response to be in 1-inch.

Essay Guidance 

Include section headings in your essay: Past Efforts, Future Efforts, and Reflection. Ensure the essay does not exceed 750 words. It is recommended you dedicate 250 words for each section of your essay.  

To write your essay response consider the following:   

Past Efforts: What have you done to better yourself, to support others, and to advance the community? 

    1. Engagement with CAHSI: Select two or three CAHSI-sponsored opportunities or practices in which you have been engaged that has positively impacted your development as a learner or leader. Identify the opportunity/practice and briefly describe your engagement. How did engagement in this opportunity or practice impact you?  
    2. Community Outreach: Describe meaningful direct service to your community that you have undertaken during your academic career. State whether service work was independent or sponsored by another entity, your motivation for entering service work, names of organization/community being served, length of service, frequency of service, and outcomes/outputs of service. 
    3. Co-curricular activities: List and briefly explain the activities outside of required coursework for your degree plan that you have been involved with during your college/graduate career. Include leadership positions.  

Future Efforts: What plans or strategies do you plan to do to positively impact the recruitment, retainment, and advancement of Hispanics in computing? 

Reflection: What have you learned about yourself since being engaged with CAHSI or other activities? 

  1. What would you do differently to improve opportunities or practices geared towards student success that you have participated in, or observed? 
  2. What kind of culture have you created, or do you hope to create in your learning and/or work environment? Consider efforts that span from small to sizable financial investment, as well as efforts that require short to longer term time investment. 
  3. What would you do differently to improve opportunities or practices geared towards student success that you have participated in, or observed?

Examples of CAHSI-Supported Efforts

CAHSI-Sponsored Research CAHSI-Sponsored Conferences  CAHSI Professional Development and Co-curricular Activities CAHSI Workshops  Examples of External Partner Opportunities 
  • Affinity Research Group Participation 
  • Doctoral Student Network
  • Research Experiences for Undergraduates (Virtual or Local)
  • Great Minds in STEM (GMiS) Conference 
  • Grace Hopper Celebration
  • CAHSI Allyship Program 
  • CAHSI Club
  • CAHSI Student Advocates 
  • Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL)
  • Problem-Solving Courses
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data Analytics
  • Hackathon
  • Latin@s in Computing
  • Leadership
  • Machine Learning/AI 
  • Microsoft TEALS volunteer 
  • S-Stem scholarship program

Other CAHSI efforts may be offered at your respective institution as the list below is not an exhaustive list.

Application Deadline, October 4, 2024.