CAHSI Partnership Efforts

CAHSI’s success is built upon collaborations with stakeholders whose agenda aligns with ours and who adopt an asset-based mindset in their efforts. We highlight some of programs in which we partner and align our efforts.

 A summary of efforts in partnership with Google are:

  • CAHSI-Google Institutional Research Program: CAHSI is partnering with Google to fund computing research projects to not only advance science, but also to build the research capacity of students and faculty at CAHSI institutions. In addition to potential collaboration with Google researchers and building on Google research interests, the purpose of this funding program is to initiate collaborative research partnerships across CAHSI.
  • CAHSI-Google Problem-Solving Course: The problem-solving courses were created from a collaboration between CAHSI faculty and Google software engineers. There are three problem ­solving (PS) courses: PS 1 – Introduction to Problem Solving; PS2 – Computational Problem Solving; and PS 3-Algorithmic Problem Solving. The courses create learning opportunities across academic-year levels, build student communities, and provide mentorship opportunities, supporting retention in Computer Science. The courses incorporate problem-based learning and cognitive apprenticeship, including faculty coaching and student self-reflection, that contribute to students’ growth as problem solvers.
  • Google Tech Exchange Program: This program was established to offer students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) the opportunity to take computer science courses and participate in other professional development opportunities in collaboration with faculty and Googlers for one or more semesters during their junior year.  CAHSI works with Google on the program and identifies students from selected HSIs.
  • Google-CAHSI Dissertation Awards: This effort provides financial support to qualified Hispanic doctoral students at CAHSI institutions to complete the last year of their studies. Preference is given to students with plans to enter academia.
  • Faculty in Residence Program: This program brings together computing faculty from universities serving students underrepresented in the computing industry. In the month-long, immersive summer program, participating faculty engage in hands-on project development, learn effective pedagogical practices such as practice-based learning, and develop plans for redesign of a course from their home department. In addition, participants learn software engineering best practices from an industry perspective, are exposed to the work culture at Google, and learn about Google’s recruitment, application, and interview process. Faculty learn CAHSI partners with Google to recommend CAHSI faculty who could benefit from the program.
  • Google in Residence Program: This program was created to support greater diversity in the tech industry. In partnership with computer science departments at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), Googlers—experienced software engineers—spend the fall semester on campuses, teaching introductory computer science classes. In addition to the learning the course content, first-year students gain practical knowledge about what it’s like to work in the tech industry and what development is like in a team.
  • Google Explore Computer Science Research (exporeCSR) Program: This program awards efforts at universities that engage undergraduate students from historically marginalized groups in activities that expose them to research and motivates them to pursue graduate studies and research careers in computing.
  • Latinx Student Leadership Summit: In partnership with HACU and CAHSI, the summit was created as an effort to bring Latinx leaders together to share innovative and creative best practices with one another, as well as collaborate with Google’s Latinx leadership to benefit the university, organization, and community associated with the student.

Reboot Representation supports the Allyship program, CAHSI Student Scholars, and Student Advocates programs.  Google also contributes funding to the Student Scholars and Student Advocates programs.

In collaboration with Great Minds in STEM (GMiS) and numerous industry partners, CAHSI collaborates with industry representatives to present cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and data analytics workshops at the GMiS conference and CAHSI Summit.

In collaboration with CMD-IT and AccessComputing, CAHSI contributes to the Academic Career Workshop, which was created to mentor assistant- and associate-level faculty, senior doctoral students, and postdocs in computing about academic careers.

There are numerous other efforts and partners. To learn more about our partnerships, visit Our Network.
