Yue Dong

Title: Assistant Professor, University of California, Riverside

Research Expertise

Yue Dong is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, Riverside. Her research interests include natural language processing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Her recent research has focused on text summarization and conditional text generation, with an emphasis on designing models with appropriate inductive biases for salience, faithfulness, and factuality. She is also broadly interested in trustworthy and efficient NLP. She leads the Natural Language Processing group, which develops natural language understanding and generation systems that are controllable, trustworthy, and efficient. She has also been actively involved in contributing to the NLP research community by serving as an area chair for ARR'21 and EMNLP’22, in addition to co-organizing workshops and tutorials at NeurIPS'21, NeurIPS'22, EMNLP'21, EMNLP'23, and NAACL'22.

Areas of Expertise/Keywords

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Text Generation
  • Trustworthy AI