Suzanne Rivoire

Title: Professor, Sonoma State University

Research Expertise

Dr. Rivoire's background is in computer architecture, with a focus on energy-efficient computing in large-scale environments such as datacenters and supercomputers. Her work in this area has included benchmarking, modeling, workload characterization via machine learning, runtime power management techniques, and system architectures for energy efficiency. She has collaborated with researchers at Stanford University, HP Labs, Microsoft Research, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and was part of the development team for two leading energy-efficiency benchmarks: JouleSort and the Green500. She has also published on incorporating novel architectures (multicore computing, GPUs, and quantum computing) into undergraduate CS education.

Areas of Expertise/Keywords

  • Computer Architecture
  • High-performance Computing
  • Energy-efficient Computing
  • Computer Science Education