Title: Professor, San Jose State University
Dr. Magdalini Eirinaki is a Professor at the Computer Engineering Department of the Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering at San Jose State University (SJSU). She also serves as the program director of the MS in Artificial Intelligence program. Her research interests are in machine learning and AI, and in particular in recommender systems, social graph mining, generative AI, and deep learning applications. She has published several papers in refereed journals and international conference proceedings in the above areas, including IEEE Access, Frontiers in Big Data, ACM RecSys, IEEE BigData, WebConf (WWW) etc. Prof. Eirinaki currently serves as the General Chair of IEEE BDS 2024, steering committee of the Silicon Valley Women in Engineering conference series, and guest editor of FGCS's special issue on Big Data Computing Service and Machine Learning Applications. She has previously served as guest editor, organization committee member, program committee member, or reviewer in numerous conferences and journals, including JDSA, TWEB, BDR, TKDE, DKE, SIGIR, RecSys, BigData, DSAA, ICDM, and CIKM, among others. Prof. Eirinaki is the recipient of the 2019 Newnan Brothers Award for Faculty Excellence, the 2017 Applied Materials Award for Excellence in Teaching and received the SJSU distinguished faculty mentor award in 2015, 2019, 2020, 2022, and 2023 for working with students who were CSU student research competition finalists.