Title: Associate Professor, Northeastern Illinois University
Dr. Iacobelli is a Computer Scientist with a research focus at the intersection between human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence and equitable AI. He has been applying this research to healthcare and health disparities. In particular, he has been working on the application of artificial intelligence to interfaces, such as tutoring system and virtual agents, that are purposefully designed for low-literacy Latino populations. This involves research in language models specifically designed for minority populations, as well as conversational agents that are culturally appropriate to impact minority populations. Dr. Iacobelli is affiliated to the Center for Advancing Safety of Machine Intelligence at Northwestern University. Through this affiliation, he advocates and conducts research on AI technologies to help minority populations. In addition, Dr. Iacobelli has been a PI and Co-PI on NSF sponsored grants as well as NIH grants and awards and has lead research within his institution as well as multi-institution projects.. Dr. Iacobelli has been mentoring students in research and has been integrating students from diverse backgrounds at Northeastern Illinois University with students in high research universities in the Chicago area.