Diane Murphy

Title: Distinguished Professor, Marymount University

Research Expertise

Dr. Diane Murphy, a well-established technology educator, Is currently the Distinguished Professor of Information Management and the past Director of the School of Technology and Innovation at Marymount University. She is an avid teacher and researcher and also an enthusiastic advocate and mentor for female and minority students in technology.

Her research interest includes a focus on emerging technology areas including artificial intelligence (particularly transparent and explainable AI), cybersecurity (particularly workforce development and educational strategies), digital transformation, privacy and data governance.

Since joining Marymount more than 20 years ago, she has developed a number of undergraduate, masters and doctoral programs to prepare students for the workforce of today and tomorrow, in the fields of computer science, cybersecurity, data science, artificial intelligence, emerging technology, and technology management. 

She has published over 30 papers in the past 10 years, is a frequent speaker at academic and professional conferences, and has been awarded several research and other grants from the National Science Foundation and the National Security Agency. She was a 2020 Commonwealth of Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award Recipient.

Diane has a PhD in Information Science from the University of Sheffield, a Master’s in Library science and Information Studies also from the University of Sheffield, and a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Wales. 

Areas of Expertise/Keywords

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data Governance
  • Mentorship
  • Leadership
  • Curriculum
  • Workforce