David Mohaisen

Title: Professor, University of Central Florida

Research Expertise

David Mohaisen’s research interests are in the areas of network security and online privacy. His work has broadly combined principles of the design, analysis, and development of security and privacy primitives and tools for various systems. Over the past ten years, his interests have evolved to include topics focusing on topics such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, software, and networked systems, the Internet of Things and wearables, and blockchains. His approach to conducting research in these areas considers exploratory, constructive, and empirical methods. A common theme in our most recent research work is the design and use of advanced machine learning techniques for security analytics: to understand codes, traffic, and infrastructure usage in real-world deployments.

Areas of Expertise/Keywords

  • Security
  • Machine Learning
  • AI
  • Blockchains
  • Software
  • Mobile
  • IoT
  • Wearables