Title: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, California State University, Los Angeles
Dr. David M. Krum is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the California State University, Los Angeles. His research interests include human-computer interaction, virtual and augmented reality, and 3D interaction. He studies how virtual and augmented reality technologies can help people create, learn, and collaborate with other humans or even with virtual humans and other computer-controlled agents.
Before joining Cal State LA, he worked as a software engineer in industry, a researcher at an industrial research lab in Silicon Valley, and as a research scientist at the USC Institute for Creative Technologies. At USC ICT, he was part of the Mixed Reality Lab, a team that developed several low-cost virtual reality displays and helped create the current boom in consumer VR.
At Cal State LA, Dr. Krum leads the Experience Lab (XP Lab), which studies human-computer interaction and specializes in the research and development of virtual and augmented reality technologies. He co-directs the Institute for Interactive Arts, Research, and Technology (InART), which is an interdisciplinary effort at the intersection of computing and the humanities. InART works to advance the art, practice, and research of digital narratives (storytelling), digital media, and game design. His teaching also follows a human-centered approach to design and engineering, with courses in game development, interaction design, and virtual reality.