Christian Poellabauer

Title: Professor, Florida International University

Research Expertise

Dr. Poellabauer is a Professor in Computer Science at Florida International University, which he joined in 2021 (after receiving his Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2004 and serving 17 years on the faculty of the University of Notre Dame). At Notre Dame, he also served as Associate Director of the Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society and Founding Director of the Applied Analytics and Emerging Technologies Lab. At FIU, he directs the Mobile Sensing and Analytics Lab, which focuses on developing personal, social, and crowdsensing solutions in a variety of application domains, primarily in the healthcare field. Other areas of interest include mobile computing, sensor networks, Internet-of-Things, cybersecurity, vehicular networks, and edge-based AI. His lab has developed many new digital biomarkers, many of them utilizing speech data, which has been used for diagnosis of concussions, dementia, motor disorders, autism, and depression. The rapidly growing number of speech-based systems has also led to a growing number of new security concerns, especially in situations where voice assistants are used in healthcare and hospital settings. Therefore, his research also investigates techniques to design and detect security threats and develop countermeasures such as robust machine learning solutions to protect systems that rely on speech as primary input. His research efforts have been supported by organizations such as the NIH, NSF, Department of Education, and DoD, and numerous private organizations and businesses such as IBM, Toyota, Ford Research, the National Football League, National Geographic, GE Health, Motorola Labs, among others.

Areas of Expertise/Keywords

  • Smart Health
  • Speech Processing
  • IoT
  • Digital Biomarkers
  • Robust AI