Chris Kanich

Title: Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago

Research Expertise

Dr. Kanich is Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Computer Science Department at the University of Illinois Chicago. His research interests center on socio-technical cybersecurity. One main instantiation of this work is his research regarding web browsers and the privacy and security ramifications of their various features. His recent work has broadened to include investigations of algorithmic fairness, mobile application privacy labels, and the privacy implications of online advertising targeting, especially as it applies to post-third-party-cookie tracking based approaches. Professor Kanich is also passionate about undergraduate research and learning, having mentored over twenty undergraduate researchers and participated in programs such as the early research scholars program and the guaranteed paid internship program.

Areas of Expertise/Keywords

  • Cybersecurity
  • Privacy
  • Web
  • Fairness