Charlie Hughes

Title: Professor, University of Central Florida

Research Expertise

Charlie Hughes is a Pegasus Professor of Computer Science at the University of Central Florida (UCF). He is Co-Lead of the Learning Sciences Cluster, Co-Director of the Synthetic Reality Laboratory SREAL), and Co-Director of the Center for Research in Education Simulation Technology (CREST). He has secondary appointments in Electrical and Computer Engineering, the School of Modeling, Simulation & Training, the College of Community Innovation & Education, and the Department of Games & Interactive Media at UCF. Charlie was recently inducted into the National Center for Simulation Hall of Fame. His virtual environment research spans over three decades, with the last 15 years focused on virtual learning environments (co-holder of seven patents in this area) with an emphasis on preparing teachers for inclusive classrooms,  and helping students with autism reach their full potentials.  He has authored or co-authored 7 books, 62 journal articles, 38 book chapters, and 121 refereed conference papers. He has advised 28 students to completion of their Ph.D.’s in computer science and modeling & simulation. He is a Life Senior Member of both the IEEE and the ACM, and is an ACM SIGGRAPH Pioneer. He has been PI or co-PI on $29M in external grants since 2000, of which $6M are currently active.

Areas of Expertise/Keywords

  • Extended Reality
  • Facial Expression Recognition
  • Mixed Reality
  • Modeling, Simulation, and Training
  • Multimodal Analysis and Interaction
  • Synthetic Environments
  • Virtual Humans
  • Virtual Learning Environments