Unit: Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
Title: Professor
Dr. Chandra N Sekharan has received BS degrees in Physics, and Electrical Engineering, an MS in Computer Science and a PhD in Mathematical Science with Computer Science emphasis. He has served as a faculty member at University of Central Florida and Loyola University Chicago, and is currently serving as a Professor of Computer Science at Texas A&M University Corpus Christi. He has led large-scale software development projects for NSF, SAIC, Army Research Labs, and private companies including United Airlines. He directs the Pegasus Laboratory in TAMUCC driving projects in his areas of research expertise including High-performance Systems, Machine Learning, and LLMs. His recent work centers on drone swarms and LLMs. He is currently a co-PI on an NSF project titled Adaptive, Multi-tiered, Base Station Infrastructure for Communication-Denied Environments and a consultant to Advanced Bioscience Labs on an AI project in pharmacology. He has performed research on Information Fusion, and Knowledge Environments for Semi-Autonomous Agents, under a Battelle research contract, with US Army scientists at ARLs in Aberdeen Proving Grounds, White Sands Missile Range, and Adelphi. Dr. Sekharan has more than 30 years of experience developing new curricula or leading curriculum development in computer science. He currently serves as a Commissioner in the Computing Accreditation Commission and a team chair for ABET. He has served as a consultant to leading law firms in Chicago on IP and has a passion for computational law and regulation.
Algorithms, AI/ML, Large Language Models, High Performance Systems, and Data Compression