Cihang Xie
Dr. Cihang Xie is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering at UC Santa Cruz, aiming to build robust and trustworthy computer vision systems capable of performing at human-levels. His recent works focus on developing deep representation learning with minimal supervision in a highly efficient manner. In addition, Dr. Xie is interested in tackling […]
Younghee Park
Dr. Younghee Park is an Associate Professor and Program Director in Computer Engineering at San Jose State University. She was a visiting professor at IBM Almaden Research starting from July 2019 to August 2020. She obtained an award of excellence as a distinguished faculty mentor for the SJSU Student Research Competition in 2017. She selected […]
Yutian Chen
Yutian Chen got her Ph. D. degree in Economics from the State University of New York, Stony Brook in 2007. She is now a full professor at the Economics department of California State University, Long Beach. Mrs. Chen conducted research on the fields of Game Theory, Human-Centered Computing, and Industrial Organization. Her expertise is to […]
Santosh Chandrasekhar
Santosh Chandrasekhar is an Assistant Teaching Professor of Computer Science at University of California (UC) Merced. Before joining as an Assistant Teaching Professor, he held positions at UC Merced as a computer science lecturer since 2017, and a postdoctoral scholar with a research focus on applied cryptography and computer security since 2012. He currently leads […]
Ali Jalooli
Assistant Professor, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Melanie Martin
Shahab Tayeb
Amlan Chatterjee
Current areas of research include Big Data and Internet-of-Things (IoT). In Big Data, the focus is primarily on data compression techniques to reduce the overhead in storage and transmission. For IoT, the focus has been on aviation safety. Other related work done involves Autonomous Vehicles and exploring Wearable computing.
Bin Tang
Bin Tang is an associate professor of Department of Computer Science at California State University, Dominguez Hills. He received his Ph.D. degree (2007) in Computer Science from Stony Brook University (advisor: Dr. Himanshu Gupta) and was a member of WINGS Lab directed by Dr. Samir R. Das. He received M.S. degrees in Computer Science (2002) […]
Carlos Rojas
I am interested in applying machine learning and visualization techniques to better understand biological systems and health data. Currently, I am working on computational methods to improve our understanding of 3D genomic data. We are investigating the connection between the 3D architecture of the genome and gene expression. Also, we are applying machine learning techniques […]