Chen Qian
Chen Qian has done extensive research on computer networks and network security. His research has contributed to the security, performance, and resilience of the Internet, wireless networks, data center networks, software defined networks, quantum networks, and Internet of Things. His publications appeared in many top computer networking, security, and systems conferences including SIGCOMM, MobiCom, CCS, […]
Elaheh Sadredini
Elaheh Sadredini is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, Riverside (UCR). Her research broadly focuses on developing secure, high-performance, and energy-efficient architectures and particularly on enabling efficient IoT security with data-centric computing. Prior to joining UCR in 2020, she earned her Ph.D. in Computer Science […]
Ayat Hatem
Ayat Hatem is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at California State University Stanislaus. Her research interests include applying graph analytics techniques to analyze different types of graph data, such as social, educational, and biological data. She recently worked on understanding the polarizing effects of social networks. Beside graph analytics, she is also interested in […]
Katherine (Katie) Green
Katherine (Katie) Green is an interdisciplinary artist and teacher focusing on art made possible by digital tools. Her art practice involves game design, perspective and empathy in interactive media, usually with themes of nature and the challenges we all face from climate change. Katie’s teaching practice is based in studio art. Her curriculum covers many […]
Miranda Parker
Álvaro Cárdenas
Alvaro A. Cardenas is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His research interests focus on cyber-physical systems security and privacy, including autonomous vehicles, drones, smart home devices, and SCADA systems controlling the power grid and other critical infrastructures. He is the recipient of the NSF CAREER […]
Bryan Donyanavard
Dr. Donyanavard’s research revolves around self-aware computing systems: he generally works to enable resource-constrained systems to make intelligent self-management decisions at runtime, typically for high-performance cyber-physical applications. His current research focus is resource-aware autonomy, with a goal of ultimately enabling deployment of full mobile autonomy. To help achieve this, Dr. Donyanavard bridges the gap between […]
Shiyu Chang
Dr. Shiyu Chang is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at UC Santa Barbara. He has extensive experience in machine learning and AI and its applications in natural language processing (NLP), and computer vision. He is a recognized expert and leader in the proposed research field of responsible and trustworthy AI and NLP. His recent studies have […]
Heng Yin
Dr. Yin is a Professor in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at UC Riverside. His research interests lie in computer security. In particular, he is interested in developing program analysis, virtualization, and machine learning/deep learning techniques to solve computer and software security problems, including but not limited to malware detection and analysis, vulnerability […]
Dustin Richmond
Dustin Richmond is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering in the Baskin School of Engineering at UC Santa Cruz. Dustin completed his postdoc in the Bespoke Silicon Group at the Paul Allen School of Computer Science at the University of Washington, and earned his Ph.D. from the University of California, San Diego. His research […]