Bhanukiran Gurijala
Dr. Gurijala’s research areas of interest are in cybersecurity and software engineering. The overarching vision of his research is to promote and facilitate the incorporation of security concerns early in the software development lifecycle via automating the acquisition, customization, and prediction of new security knowledge from the vast regularly maintained reliable security domain knowledge available […]
Tianxing Chu
Tianxing Chu is an Assistant Professor of Geospatial Systems Engineering and Associate Director of MANTIS Lab at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC). He earned a Ph.D. in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing from Peking University, China. Prior to his current position, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate and then Assistant Research Scientist at TAMU-CC’s […]
Tao Hou
Dr. Tao Hou is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of North Texas. His research interests are in the areas of cybersecurity and machine learning. He is especially interested in research problems that arise from practical domains, with a focus on both experimental/empirical study and sound theoretical footings. […]
Afsah Anwar
Dr. Anwar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at The University of New Mexico. His research investigates the malicious activity on the Internet to understand their impact on the society. Particularly, he explores actionable threat intelligence, vulnerability management, and malware attacks on Internet of Things (IoT).
Huiping Cao
Dr. Cao’s research interests are in the general areas of data mining, big data, and applied machine learning. In particular, she is interested in creating effective and efficient computational methodologies for the discovery of useful knowledge from complex data (e.g., sequences and graphs) through pre-defined mining requests or ad-hoc queries.
Abdullah Mueen
Dr. Mueen’s interest is in developing data mining and machine learning techniques and tools with applications to trustworthy, fair and secure computing and communication. His past research revolved around identifying and characterizing abuse on social media, information censorship on the Internet, and fake reviews and opinions on public commenting platforms. He is currently an Associate […]
Avdesh Mishra
Dr. Avdesh Mishra is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK). He received his MS and PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of New Orleans, New Orleans, USA in 2015 and 2019, respectively. Additionally, he received his BE degree in Computer Engineering from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal in 2012. […]
Tuan Le
Dr. Tuan Le is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at New Mexico State University. His research interests are in text mining, machine learning, and natural language processing. He has proposed several methods for document modeling and visualization. Besides text mining, he is also interested in unsupervised methods for anomaly detection on […]
Krishna Roy
Dr. Krishna Chandra Roy is an assistant professor of Electrical Engineering at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. His primary research areas are cybersecurity, the security of intelligent transportation systems, and AI. His research interests focus on human factors and their impacts on cybersecurity, and cyber-psychological assessment in cyber threat detection. His research topics […]
Qi Lu
Dr. Lu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at The University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley. His research interests include swarm robotics, multi-robot systems, and autonomous mobile robots. Although many existing coordination algorithms were developed for homogeneous ground robots, they have limitations, such as a lack of advanced sensing, vision, […]