Saeid Tizpaz-Niari

Saeid Tizpaz-Niari is an Assistant Professor of CS at UT El Paso. He received his PhD from the ECEE department at University of Colorado Boulder in 2020. His research interests are at the intersection of Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, and Verification. He is the first author of multiple publications in top tier Security, AI, Verification, and […]

Benito Vasquez

Benito Vasquez currently serves as the Coordinator at University of Houston-Downtown in the Southwest region of the Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (CAHSI). He holds a BS in Applied Mathematics and an MFA in Performance and Pedagogy. Most recently, he served as the Manager of Community Partnerships at the Alley Theatre where he worked to […]

Scott King

Scott A. King is a professor of computer science at Texas A&M University -Corpus Christi. He is the director for iCORE and Pixel Island. He is a Co-Lead for the CAHSI SW region ad a member of AI2ES. His research interests are Visualization, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, AI Robotics, Ambient Intelligence,  and HCI. Prior to […]

Johnelle Sparks

Dr. Johnelle Sparks is Professor of Demography and Associate Dean for Faculty Success and Administration in the College for Health, Community and Policy at the University of Texas at San Antonio. She has been with the department since fall 2006 and has worked extensively mentoring doctoral students completing the applied demography doctoral program. She is […]

Ann-Marie Núñez

Anne-Marie Núñez is the inaugural executive director of the Diana Natalicio Institute for Hispanic Student Success and Distinguished Centennial Professor in Educational Leadership and Foundations at The University of Texas at El Paso. She has collaborated on several NSF grants with budgets totaling over $10 million, including with the Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (CAHSI), […]