Balajee Vamanan

Dr. Vamanan primarily works in the area of computer networks and systems. Computer Networks: Datacenter networks, programmable networking, in-network computing, network protocol design, low-latency networking, software-defined networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), router hardware, Optimizing network and systems for machine learning applications Computer systems: computer architecture, Energy efficiency, hardware design, memory system design

Gary Leavens

Gary Leavens is a professor in the department of Computer Science at UCF. After joining UCF in August 2007, he became associate chair in 2008, and was department chair from 2010-2021. He led a successful faculty cluster proposal in cyber security and privacy. His research is in formal methods.Previously Dr. Leavens was a professor of Computer […]

Manveen Kaur

Manveen Kaur (she/her/hers) received a Masters of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Ohio State University, followed by a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Clemson University. Her broad research interest is in Software and Systems Engineering for emergent Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems with current research focusing on swarms of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drone swarm systems. […]