Social Science
CAHSI has established the Social Science Network, a network of social scientists who are interested in recruitment, retention, and advancement of Hispanic students and faculty in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in general and computing and information science and engineering (CISE) in particular. The purpose of the Social Science Network is to enhance the understanding of CAHSI as to the causes and issues related to Hispanics entering, persisting and progressing in computing. The SSN is to contribute to CAHSI by stimulating or conducting new research to better understand underlying issues in the CAHSI effort, refining interventions, and devising new ones.
If you have interest in contributing to the Social Science Network, please contact CAHSI at:
Social Science Network Models
Research and program evaluation models provide a broader understanding to issues being investigated or the institutional practices, policies or programs being evaluated. This understanding is necessary to grapple with the complexity of the problem of Hispanic recruitment, retention and advancement in computing or STEM in general. Such models may be helpful in estimating the replicability of a program or practice for its adoption or adaptation at another institution. They may also be helpful in revising and the continual improvement of a program, department or institution, or in devising entirely new and innovative programs, practices or policies. They are also helpful in increasing our overall understanding and provide suggestions for future research.
Two NSF programs that have been generally regarded as quite successful are the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) and the Model Institutions for Excellence (MIE). These programs have been extensively studied, and the Social Science Network provides brief introductions for CAHSI members and the general computer science, STEM, and HSI community.
The theoretical understanding of student retention has proven to be complex and research has shown that ethnicity, or being Hispanic and the conditions of their situation, can influence the nature of student retention. Amaury Nora and colleagues have investigated the issues and has strongly influenced the field. A white paper on some of these issues is provided here.
Advancing Hispanics to the doctorate to become part of the next generation of the professoriate is a major concern for CAHSI and the NSF. To end the underrepresentation of Hispanics in computing and other STEM fields there is a strong need for faculty role models for Hispanic students. Becoming a faculty member at the level of concern for CAHSI starts at the undergraduate level. HSIs consistently produce 33% of STEM baccalaureates and are well represented on the Top 50 baccalaureate origins of STEM Ph.Ds. The Social Science Network provides a brief introduction to an investigation of exemplary practices at the HSI baccalaureates origins of future STEM doctorates in this paper.