Charlie Hughes

Charlie Hughes is a Pegasus Professor of Computer Science at the University of Central Florida (UCF). He is Co-Lead of the Learning Sciences Cluster, Co-Director of the Synthetic Reality Laboratory SREAL), and Co-Director of the Center for Research in Education Simulation Technology (CREST). He has secondary appointments in Electrical and Computer Engineering, the School of […]

Johnelle Sparks

Dr. Johnelle Sparks is Professor of Demography and Associate Dean for Faculty Success and Administration in the College for Health, Community and Policy at the University of Texas at San Antonio. She has been with the department since fall 2006 and has worked extensively mentoring doctoral students completing the applied demography doctoral program. She is […]

Yutian Chen

Yutian Chen got her Ph. D. degree in Economics from the State University of New York, Stony Brook in 2007. She is now a full professor at the Economics department of California State University, Long Beach.  Mrs. Chen conducted research on the fields of Game Theory, Human-Centered Computing, and Industrial Organization. Her expertise is to […]

Ann-Marie Núñez

Anne-Marie Núñez is the inaugural executive director of the Diana Natalicio Institute for Hispanic Student Success and Distinguished Centennial Professor in Educational Leadership and Foundations at The University of Texas at El Paso. She has collaborated on several NSF grants with budgets totaling over $10 million, including with the Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (CAHSI), […]

Pablo Rivas

Dr. Pablo Rivas is a junior faculty serving as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Baylor University (formerly at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York). He worked in the industry for a decade as a software engineer before becoming an academic. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, ACM, and SIAM. He was […]

David Krum

Dr. David M. Krum is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the California State University, Los Angeles. His research interests include human-computer interaction, virtual and augmented reality, and 3D interaction. He studies how virtual and augmented reality technologies can help people create, learn, and collaborate with other humans or even with virtual humans and […]

Patricia Morreale

Patricia Morreale is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Kean University. Her prior research on machine learning and network systems led to advances in error detection and secure processing, later patented and commercialized. Current research focuses on human-centered computing and responsible AI, addressing equitable design and education methods. She […]