Hispanic Servingness

Haschenburger, J. K., Gray, W., Godet, A., Suarez, M. B., & Núñez, A. M. (2021). Recruiting all the talent into undergraduate STEM student success programs using an invitational approach. Journal of Geoscience Education, 1-17.

Student success programs have achieved demonstrated benefits in broadening participation in geosciences and other STEM fields. These programs typically require an application from potential participants despite known challenges in recruiting […]

Núñez, A. M., Rivera, J., Valdez, J., & Olivo, V. B. (2021). Centering Hispanic-Serving Institutions’ strategies to develop talent in computing fields. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society, 4(1), 1842582.

Hispanics have become the largest ethnic minority in the US Better serving Hispanics to succeed in tertiary education and scientific fields like computing is critical to build equitable life opportunities […]

Fernandez, F., & Burnett, C. A. (2020). Considering the need for organizational resilience at hispanic serving institutions: a study of how administrators navigate institutional accreditation in Southern states. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 1-17.

Prior literature on resilience in the Latina and Latino community focuses on student resilience. In this paper we argue that it is also important to consider organizational resilience among the […]

Knight, D., Kim, S., & Nunez, A. M. (2020, April). Assessing Gender and Racial/Ethnic Parity in the Computing Fields: Evidence from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. In Annual meeting program American Educational Research Association.

Data show that science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) postsecondary training programs lack gender and racial/ethnic diversity. Recent policy efforts are aimed at creating more inclusive environments for underrepresented groups […]

Gonzalez, E., Ortega, G., Molina, M., & Lizalde, G. (2020). What does it mean to be a Hispanic-Serving Institution? Listening to the Latina/o/x voices of students. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 1-14.

The purpose of this study is to examine what the Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) designation means to Hispanic college students at a Research One four-year university. This qualitative case study used […]

Hu, X., & Blanco, S. A. (2020). Recognized to Serve: Do (Emerging) Hispanic-Serving Community Colleges Expand Access?. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 1-17.

Over the years, more colleges and universities have gained the designation of Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) and emerging Hispanic-serving institutions (EHSIs). The Hispanic-serving community colleges (HSCCs) have a dual mission of […]

Jones, V., & Sáenz, V. (2020). Enacting a Latino Male-Serving Organizational Identity: The Role of HSI Community Colleges. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 1-19.

Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) increasingly provide educational opportunities for underrepresented groups such as Latinx students; however, their categorization as minority-serving institutions is a function of their enrollment data rather than an […]

Núñez, A. M. (in press). Examining organizational behavior of Hispanic-Serving Institution computer science departments: Toward servingness and equity in the field. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering

This study examines the organizational behavior of departments in Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) with sustained success in graduating Latinx computer science bachelor’s degree recipients. I employ the conceptual framework of HSI […]

Bensimon, E. M., Dowd, A. C., Stanton-Salazar, R., & Dávila, B. A. (2019). The role of institutional agents in providing institutional support to Latinx students in STEM. The Review of Higher Education, 42(4), 1689-1721.

Case study results featuring four Latinx STEM faculty members illustrate the forms of institutional support professors can provide to increase the number of Latinx students in science, technology, engineering, and […]

Ching, C. D. (2019). Supporting Latinx students in Hispanic-Serving Institutions: An exploration of faculty perceptions and actions. Journal of Latinos and Education, 1-20.

While acknowledged as vital to expanding educational opportunity for Latinx students, Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) are also criticized for not adequately serving this population. Drawing on interviews with faculty at three […]

Cuellar, M. G. (2019). Creating Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) and emerging HSIs: Latina/o college choice at 4-year institutions. American Journal of Education, 125(2), 231-258.

A substantial proportion of Latina/o college students enroll at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) and emerging HSIs. Utilizing data from the University of California, Los Angeles Cooperative Institutional Research Program, this study […]

DeTurk, S., & Briscoe, F. M. (2019). Equity versus Excellence: Is the Pursuit of “Tier-1” Status Compatible With Social Justice?. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 1538192719836197.

This study explored the social justice implications of the transition of a Hispanic-serving Institution (HSI) to a “Tier-1” institution. Interviews and demographic statistics describe a university that has increased its […]

Garcia, G. A., Ramirez, J. J., Patrón, O. E., & Cristobal, N. L. (2019). Constructing an HSI organizational identity at three Hispanic-serving Institutions in the Midwest: Ideal versus current identity. The Journal of Higher Education, 90(4), 513-538.

As the number of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs; postsecondary institutions that enroll 25% or more Latinx students) in the United States increases annually, so does the need to theorize about what […]

Garcia, G. A., Núñez, A. M., & Sansone, V. A. (2019). Toward a multidimensional conceptual framework for understanding “servingness” in Hispanic-Serving Institutions: A synthesis of the research. Review of Educational Research, 89(5), 745-784.

Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) are colleges and universities that enroll at least 25% Latinx students. Despite being recognized by the federal government since 1992, HSIs lack a historical mission to serve […]

Marin, P. (2019). Is “business as usual” enough to be Hispanic-serving? Becoming a Hispanic-serving research institution. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 18(2), 165-181.

This study focuses on an emerging Hispanic-Serving Research Institution (HSRI) and seeks to understand its Hispanic-serving identity as seen through the eyes of senior campus administrators. Findings suggest that instead […]

Vasquez, S., Jones, D., Mundy, M. A., & Isaacson, C. (2019). Student Perceptions of the Value of Academic Advising at a Hispanic Serving Institution of Higher Education in South Texas. Research in Higher Education Journal, 36.

The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of the value of academic advising to second-year students at a Hispanic Serving Institution in south Texas. This study surveyed […]

Zimmerman, H. B., Toven-Lindsey, B., Sax, L. J., Lehman, K. L., & Blaney, J. M. (2019). Building momentum: How department chairs lead initiatives to broaden participation in computer science. In Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT). Minneapolis, MN: IEEE.

Broadening participation in computer science (CS) for women and underrepresented minority (URM) students is an important national priority. This research is part of a larger, longitudinal, qualitative study that highlights […]

Garcia, G. A., & Ramirez, J. J. (2018). Institutional agents at a Hispanic serving institution: Using social capital to empower students. Urban Education, 53(3), 355-381.

As enrollment-driven postsecondary institutions, Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) must actively find ways to better “serve” their students. Guided by Stanton-Salazar’s social capital framework, this study sought to understand how institutional […]

Garcia, G. A., & Dwyer, B. (2018). Exploring college students’ identification with an organizational identity for serving Latinx students at a Hispanic serving institution (HSI) and an emerging HSI. American Journal of Education, 124(2), 191-215.

Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs; postsecondary institutions that enroll 25% or more Latinx students) are increasing in significance. But to what extent do students attending an HSI, or an emerging HSI […]

Franco, M. A., & Hernández, S. (2018). Assessing the capacity of Hispanic Serving Institutions to serve Latinx students: Moving beyond compositional diversity. New Directions for Institutional Research, 2018(177), 57-71.

This chapter provides an overview of the growth among Hispanic serving institutions (HSIs) and discusses the use of assessment as a key strategy for understanding institutional capacity for serving Latinx […]

Garcia, G. A. (2018). Decolonizing Hispanic-serving institutions: A framework for organizing. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 17(2), 132-147.

Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) should realign their organizational approach in order to liberate themselves and their students. As colonized institutions enrolling colonized people, HSIs must recognize their history of colonialism before […]

Sax, L. J., Zimmerman, H. B., Blaney, J. M., Toven-Lindsey, B., & Lehman, K. J. (2017). Diversifying computer science departments: How department chairs become change agents for women and underrepresented minority students. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 23(2), 101-119.

Broadening participation in computer science for women and underrepresented minority students remains an area of concern for many colleges and universities. Yet, little is known about the role of department […]

Garcia, G. A. (2017). Defined by outcomes or culture? Constructing an organizational identity for Hispanic-serving institutions. American Educational Research Journal, 54(1_suppl), 111S-134S.

While Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) enroll at least 25% Latinx students, the perennial question facing HSIs is, “What does it mean for postsecondary institutions to be Latinx-serving”—essentially an organizational identity question. […]

Marin, P., & Pereschica, P. (2017). Becoming an Hispanic-serving research institution: Involving graduate students in organizational change. Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, 11(3), 154-177.

The changing demographics of higher education have led to an increase in the number and type of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). As research universities continue to see a rise in the […]

Núñez, A. M. (2017). Flipping the HSI narrative: An HSI positionality. Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, 11(3), 276-295.

Historically, the predominant narrative framing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) is that they are monolithic and underperforming, inscribed in a false dichotomy as “Hispanic-Serving” or merely “Hispanic-Enrolling” (Núñez, Hurtado, & Calderón Galdeano, […]

Hatch, D. K., Mardock Uman, N., & Garcia, C. E. (2016). Variation Within the “New Latino Diaspora” A Decade of Changes Across the United States in the Equitable Participation of Latina/os in Higher Education. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 15(4), 358-385.

This study problematizes the common discourse that rapid and widespread Latina/o demographic growth in the United States is a driving force in realizing higher education equity gains. Using equity indices […]

Garcia, G. A. (2016). Complicating a Latina/o-serving identity at a Hispanic serving institution. The Review of Higher Education, 40(1), 117-143.

As institutions not founded to “serve” Latina/o students, Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) are criticized for solely being “Hispanic-enrolling,” with access and graduation rates being hypothesized as indicators of an organizational […]

Núñez, A. M., Crisp, G., & Elizondo, D. (2016). Mapping Hispanic-Serving Institutions: A typology of institutional diversity. The Journal of Higher Education, 87(1), 55-83.

Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), institutions that enroll at least 25% Hispanic students, are institutionally diverse, including a much wider array of institutional types than other Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs). Furthermore, they have […]

Doran, E. E. (2015). Negotiating access and tier one aspirations: The historical evolution of a striving Hispanic-serving institution. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 14(4), 343-354.

This study evaluates the recent move toward Tier One by the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) in light of its historical commitment to serve the largely Hispanic population […]

Garcia, G. A., & Okhidoi, O. (2015). Culturally relevant practices that “serve” students at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Innovative Higher Education, 40(4), 345-357.

As institutions not founded to “serve” Latina/o students, Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) must actively change their curricula and programs to meet the needs of their diverse population, including Latina/o, low […]

Malcom-Piqueux, L. E., & Mara Bensimon, E. (2015). Design principles for equity and excellence at Hispanic-serving institutions. Perspectivas: Issues in Higher Education Policy and Practice.

Many higher education researchers, policymakers, educational advocates, institutional leaders, and educational practitioners have called for widespread dialogue on what it means to be truly Hispanic-Serving. Due in part to the […]

Cuellar, M. (2014). The impact of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), emerging HSIs, and non-HSIs on Latina/o academic self-concept. The Review of Higher Education, 37(4), 499-530.

Knowledge is presently limited on experiences and outcomes at four-year Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) and emerging HSIs. Multiple regression analyses, performed on data from the Cooperative Institutional Research Program, illuminate how […]

Santos, J. L., & Acevedo-Gil, N. (2013). A report card on Latina/o leadership in California’s public universities: A trend analysis of faculty, students, and executives in the CSU and UC systems. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 12(2), 174-200.

The article examines the status of leadership in two California public higher education systems: California State University (CSU) and the University of California (UC) from 2001 to 2009. Findings reveal […]

Espinoza, P. P., & Espinoza, C. C. (2012). Supporting the 7th-year undergraduate: Responsive leadership at a Hispanic-serving institution. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 15(1), 32-50.

Administrators at 4-year, public institutions of higher education commonly negotiate a balance between the oft-competing goals of access and excellence. This is heightened within minority–majority campuses, such as Hispanic-serving institutions […]

Núñez, A. M. (2009). Modeling the effects of diversity experiences and multiple capitals on Latina/o college students’ academic self-confidence. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 8(2), 179-196.

This study develops a model predicting academic self-confidence for 2nd-year Latina/o college students. Findings indicate that forms of academic, cultural, social, and intercultural capital (the capacity to negotiate diverse racial […]
