
Menzel, S., Siek, K. A., & Crandall, D. (2019, February). Hello Research! Developing an intensive research experience for undergraduate women. In Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 997-1003).

This paper describes the design and implementation of a three-day intensive research experience (IRE) workshop for undergraduate women in Computer Science. Expanding on a model pioneered at [...]


Spencer, B., Rorrer, A., Davis, S., Moghadam, S. H., & Grainger, C. (2021, May). The Role of ‘Intersectional Capital’in Undergraduate Women’s Engagement in Research-Focused Computing Workshops. In 2021 Conference on Research in Equitable and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

This paper examines how undergraduate women are supported in computing across their multiple and interlocking social identities of gender, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Through a [...]


Rorrer, A., Spencer, B., Davis, S., Moghadam, S. H., Holmes, D., & Grainger, C. (2021, March). Understanding immersive research experiences that build community, equity, and inclusion. In Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 149-155).

In this experience report, we describe the rationale and need for immersive research experiences (IREs) in computer science (CS) that are designed to foster an inclusive community that encourages [...]


Rorrer, A. S., Moghadam, S. H., Spencer, B., & Sun, T. (2020, March). eCSR: Creating intensive research experiences that cultivate community for undergraduate women & women of color. In 2020 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT) (Vol. 1, pp. 1-4). IEEE.

The explore CS Research (eCSR) program is a university awards program created to support the design, development, and execution of research-focused workshops that provide opportunities for [...]


Cruce, T.M., Wolniak, G.C., Seifert, T.A., Pascarella, E.T. (2006). Impacts of good practices on cognitive development, learning orientations, and graduate degree plans during the first year of college. Journal of College Student Development, 47(4), 365-383.

This study estimated separately the unique effects of three dimensions of good practice and the global effects of a composite measure of good practices on the cognitive development, orientations [...]


Fischer, E. M. J. (2007). Settling into campus life: Differences by race/ethnicity in college involvement and outcomes. The Journal of Higher Education, 78(2), 125-161.

No abstract


Baker, C. N. (2008). Under-represented college students and extracurricular involvement: The effects of various student organizations on academic performance. Social Psychology of Education, 11(3), 273-298.

Several studies indicate that students who are involved in extracurricular activities during college are more academically successful than are those who are not; however, most studies do not [...]


Lundberg, C. A. (2012). Predictors of learning for students from five different racial/ethnic groups. Journal of College Student Development, 53(5), 636-655.

Using a sample of 2,836 students from 5 different racial/ethnic groups, this study identified the ways student engagement and institutional features predict student learning. A supportive campus [...]


Hu, S., & Wolniak, G. C. (2013). College student engagement and early career earnings: Differences by gender, race/ethnicity, and academic preparation. The Review of Higher Education, 36(2), 211-233.

Using longitudinal data from the 2001 cohort of applicants to the Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) program, the authors examined scaled measures of academic and social engagement in relation to [...]


Kilgo, C. A., Sheets, J. K. E., & Pascarella, E. T. (2014). The link between high-impact practices and student learning: Some longitudinal evidence. Higher Education, 69(4), 509-525.

The current paper used data from the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education—a longitudinal, pretest/posttest design—to estimate the effects of participation in the ten “high-impact” [...]

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