
Kim, S., Beverly, S. P., & Ro, H. K. (2020). How Many Latinas in STEM Benefit from High-Impact Practices? Examining Participation by Social Class and Immigrant Status. In E. M. Gonzalez, F. Fernendez, & M. S. Wilson (Eds.), An Asset-Based Approach to Advancing Latina Students in STEM: Increasing Resilience, Participation, and Success (pp.75- 93). Routledge.

In this chapter, we seek to identify ways to support STEM Latina students with different backgrounds through High-Impact Practice (HIP) participation. Existing research indicates that HIP [...]


Scheidt, M., Godwin, A., Berger, E., Chen, J., Self, B. P., Widmann, J. M., & Gates, A. Q. (2020). Engineering students’ noncognitive and affective factors: Group differences from cluster analysis. Journal of Engineering Education, 110(2), 343-370.

Background: Noncognitive and affective (NCA) factors (e.g., belonging, engineering identity, motivation, mindset, personality, etc.) are important to undergraduate student success. However, few [...]


Rivera, J., & Núñez, A. M. (2022). Staff at Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Debugging Challenges in Navigating Computer Science. About Campus, 27(1), 38-47.

Technology is quickly evolving and continues to play an increasingly important role in our daily lives. Social, political, and ethical concerns about technology, including its applications in [...]


Major, J. C., Scheidt, M., Godwin, A., Perkins, H., Kim, S., Self, B., Chen, J., & Berger, E. (2023). Institutional characteristics and engineering student non-cognitive and affective (NCA) profiles. International Journal of Engineering Education, 39(3)., 668-684.

In our prior work, a cluster analysis (n = 2,339) identified four groups of engineering undergraduates’ non-cognitive and affective (NCA) factors from a list of 28 dimensions such as [...]


Haschenburger, J. K., Gray, W., Godet, A., Suarez, M. B., & Núñez, A. M. (2021). Recruiting all the talent into undergraduate STEM student success programs using an invitational approach. Journal of Geoscience Education, 1-17.

Student success programs have achieved demonstrated benefits in broadening participation in geosciences and other STEM fields. These programs typically require an application from potential [...]


D. Kwak, P. Morreale, S. Hug, Y. Kumar, J. Chu, C. Huang, J. Li and P. Wang, “Evaluation of the Use of Growth Mindset in the Computer Science Classroom”, Proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE ’22), New Providence, RI, ACM, 2022, accepted.

Within computer science education, a growth mindset is encouraged. However, faculty development on the use of growth mindset in the classroom is rare and resources to support the use of […]


Núñez, A. M., Rivera, J., Valdez, J., & Olivo, V. B. (2021). Centering Hispanic-Serving Institutions’ strategies to develop talent in computing fields. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society, 4(1), 1842582.

Hispanics have become the largest ethnic minority in the US Better serving Hispanics to succeed in tertiary education and scientific fields like computing is critical to build equitable life [...]


Núñez, A. M. (in press). Examining organizational behavior of Hispanic-Serving Institution computer science departments: Toward servingness and equity in the field. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering

This study examines the organizational behavior of departments in Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) with sustained success in graduating Latinx computer science bachelor’s degree recipients. I [...]


Gates, A. Q. (2010). The role of Hispanic-serving institutions in contributing to an educated work force. Communications of the ACM, 53(12), 31-33.

In order to thrive and even survive  in the worldwide market-place of ideas and innovation, the  U.S.  must  aggressively meet the challenge of increasing the number of students who complete […]


Hug, S., Thiry, H., & Gates, A. (2015, October). Strategies for sustaining change in engineering education. In 2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.

In order to develop the engineers of the future, engineering departments need to embrace innovative, student-centered practices. The development and sustained growth of organizational improvement [...]

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