¡Excelencia! In Education: The Condition of Latinos in Education 2015 Factbook

¡Excelencia! In Education is committed to using data to inform public policy and institutional practice to achieve our mission of accelerating student success for Latinos in higher education. We know college success does not begin at the college gates. Every educational experience from early childhood to high school and into the workforce influences the potential for college success. For this reason, this publication looks critically at the entire educational pipeline and the context in which our students are learning in order to better understand and inform decision makers about the multiple paths to success for Latino, and all, students.

These fact sheets provide reference tools for today’s diverse stakeholders and can be used to inform data-driven discussions about their efforts to improve Latino educational achievement. The release of “The Condition of Latinos in Education: 2015 Factbook” continues our commitment to provide baseline information on Latino educational progress and to recognize the practices, policies and partnerships with evidence of effectiveness in serving Latino students.
